"There is a river whose streams shall make glad the city of God." --Psalm 46:4

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Serving God with His people at Faith OPC has been a great joy and blessing. When I grow up, I want to umpire Little League Baseball. I will revel on that day when I can say to a 10-year-old boy after four pitched balls, "Take a walk in the sunshine." My wife of 30+ years, Peggy, consistently demonstrates the love of Christ and remains my very best friend. Our six children, our four lovely, sweetie-pie daughters-in-law, and our four grandchildren serve as resident theologians.

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Hands Raised

"Then Ezra blessed the LORD the great God. And all the people answered, 'Amen, Amen!' while
lifting up their hands; then they bowed low and worshiped the LORD with their faces to the ground." Nehemiah 8:6

The following is a one-question quiz with multiple choice answers. Go for it.

Why do confessional, historic Presbyterians neglect to follow the example of Nehemiah 8:6?

A. We don't want to be confused with Pentecostals.

B. We raise our hands in our hearts, on the inside.

C. We've never had a pastor who's courageous enough to lead the way, to be an example.

D. 1 Timothy 2:8 allows for men to raise hands during prayer, but it's no command.

E. We'd feel funny about it, in fact a little embarrassed, so our feelings rule.

F. Nehemiah 8:6 is in the Old Testament, public worship is regulated by the New.

E. Since we don't bow nor kneel, and perhaps since we neglect to stand for the reading of the Word, it makes no sense to raise hands.

G. None of the Above.

G. Mark Sumpter

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