"There is a river whose streams shall make glad the city of God." --Psalm 46:4

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Serving God with His people at Faith OPC has been a great joy and blessing. When I grow up, I want to umpire Little League Baseball. I will revel on that day when I can say to a 10-year-old boy after four pitched balls, "Take a walk in the sunshine." My wife of 30+ years, Peggy, consistently demonstrates the love of Christ and remains my very best friend. Our six children, our four lovely, sweetie-pie daughters-in-law, and our four grandchildren serve as resident theologians.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Evangelistic Study

When you meet your neighbor and you're building a friendship, it's not too long and the matter of needing good discussion material comes up. Here's an excellent way to explore solid teaching together and open up conversation about the Lord Jesus Christ and His gospel.

Go here to Christianity Explored.

Christianity Explored, for you Oregonians, will be offering training in Estacada, just outside of Portland in November 2009.

It's definitely worth your time, and take four or five along with you from your home congregation.

G. Mark Sumpter

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