"There is a river whose streams shall make glad the city of God." --Psalm 46:4

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Serving God with His people at Faith OPC has been a great joy and blessing. When I grow up, I want to umpire Little League Baseball. I will revel on that day when I can say to a 10-year-old boy after four pitched balls, "Take a walk in the sunshine." My wife of 30+ years, Peggy, consistently demonstrates the love of Christ and remains my very best friend. Our six children, our four lovely, sweetie-pie daughters-in-law, and our four grandchildren serve as resident theologians.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Some Dance to Remember, Some Dance to Forget

In hand to hand work around the rink, like these two guys, one of your objectives is
to grab the backside of the jersey of your opponent and with lightning speed drape it over his head. Then it would be open season to get your licks in.

Look at the two guys down below. It's pretty much lights out for the headless player.

Jerseys can be a useful tool in taking the
high ground. You can already see that the guys above are working angles for grip and leverage for that very advantage.

At heart, I am a hockey fan. This part of the game, however, is my least favorite. But it does remind me that hockey is three sports. 1. Skating. 2. The Game. 3. Body Checking.

I remember coaches hammering it into our heads to play all three games.

My favorite team in the National Hockey League since my upper elementary days in Anchorage has been the New York Rangers. Brad Park was my hero in the 1970s.
This year's season has just gotten underway. I am so amazed at the speed with which the game is now played.

G. Mark Sumpter

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One Potato, Two Potato