"There is a river whose streams shall make glad the city of God." --Psalm 46:4

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Serving God with His people at Faith OPC has been a great joy and blessing. When I grow up, I want to umpire Little League Baseball. I will revel on that day when I can say to a 10-year-old boy after four pitched balls, "Take a walk in the sunshine." My wife of 30+ years, Peggy, consistently demonstrates the love of Christ and remains my very best friend. Our six children, our four lovely, sweetie-pie daughters-in-law, and our four grandchildren serve as resident theologians.

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Preacher, Heal Thyself

It was a dark and stormy night, and all the boys were sitting around...

The story is not your story or my story or his-story or her-story or some neat story someone read or made up. The story of the sermon and of the hymns and of the processions and of the sacramental acts and of the readings is to be God's story, the story of the Bible. Preachers are the greatest sinners here. The text already is and belongs to the one true story; it does not need to be helped out in this respect. What is said and enacted in the Church must be with the greatest exactitude and faithfulness and exclusivity the story of creation and redemption by the God of Israel and Father of the risen Christ. As we used to say: period.

Robert W. Jensen in First Things, his article: How the World Lost its Story.

G. Mark Sumpter

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